Monday, October 21, 2013

Bill's Berry Farm!

Come join us this Wednesday (10/23) for our MOTS playdate at Bill's Berry Farm!  This is a great time for us to play with our kids and visit with other moms.  We will have the park to ourselves, and will have the chance to ride the kid's train, pick out a pumpkin at the pumpkin patch and enjoy their tasty donuts.  There are a few things we would like for you to bring on Wednesday:

- a snack to share (we will set out the snacks on a table at the park)
- $5 per child for donuts, train ride, and pumpkin OR $1 for donut only (if you haven't already paid, we will collect the money on Wednesday.  Moms can pay $1 for a donut as well). 

If you haven't been to Bill's Berry Farm before, a group will be meeting at the Grandview Nazarene Church at 9-9:15 and then caravan out at 9:20 together.  If you would rather meet us there, we will be at Bill's Berry Farm around 9:30 am.  

Hope to see you then!