We will be having our FINAL MOTS Meeting of the year this Thursday, May 10th @ 9:30-11:30am!
Out Final Meeting will be a PLAY DATE at the playground located at "GRANDVIEW COUNTRY PARK,” otherwise known to most as “THE FAIR GROUNDS” (812 Wallace Way in Grandview).
For Brunch, we are doing picnic/snack style. Please bring a snack to share with other moms and kids. Ideas: Crackers, popcorn, cookies, fish crackers, muffins, fruit snacks, grapes, bananas, carrots, cheese sticks, Gogurt, juice, etc. etc.
Also, if you know of anyone who might like to join us next year, invite them to come to this final meeting for a “taste” of what our group is all about and for information on summer play dates and next year.
See you Thursday!