Sunday, February 21, 2010

Meeting Thrusday 02-25-10 / Cake Decorating & Party Themes!

Don't miss our meeting this Thursday featuring our own MOTS Mom Cassie Valler showing us tips on cake decorating! You will get your own chance to decorate a cupcake with fondant!

Also: Don't forget to bring pictures of cakes and or birthday/party themes or ideas you've used to share with the group. We will have a board up front to display and share all our ideas!

Table 4 (Becki) is bringing Brunch!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Save the Date - Thurs. Feb. 11th - Valentine's Meeting!

Don't miss our Valentine's Meeting this Thursday-February 11th at 9:30am! Our guest speaker will be sharing about Romance!

Note: Table 3 (Cassie & Alesha) is bringing brunch!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

FREE Photo Books at! is offering a FREE Photo Book (including shipping) every month for a year!

The books are about 14 pages and are paid for by removable advertisements (easily removable and don't interfere with your photos). A great/easy way to save your kiddos photos!

Check it out at

I ordered one last month and it just came in the the deal is valid! :)
