I don't know this family, just ran across a posting on the Yakima Craigslist, they are asking for girls 6 month and 16 month clothing donations. They put a link to a website explaining their situation. The 6 month old, Ivy, has been at Seattle Children's Hospital for 2 months! If you are interested read their story. They could use our prayers, and more if you have a donation. Here is the website: http://www.caringbridge.com/visit/ivyashlock
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Photos from Bill's Berry Farm Field Trip
Here are some photos from the MOTS field trip to Bill's Berry Farm. Check out more photos on the MOTS Facebook Page and be sure to upload and share your own!
"Pumpkin Patch"
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Field Trip: Bill's Berry Farm! 10-22-09
Don't forget, our next MOTS meeting (October 22nd) will be a field trip to Bill's Berry Farm! Please be at the church by 9:30am to load the bus and vans. The field trip will include a kids farming lesson, hayride through the apple orchard, a story, juice and snacks, stickers, a pumpkin, animals and playground fun.
Prices are as follows:
Kids 2 and over: $5
Kids under 2 (who want goodies): $3
Kids under 2 (skip the pumpkin and juice): Free
Moms are Free!
For Moms, the Farm with have the retail area set with lots of pumpkins and fall decor items available for sale. As for u-picking, they will have Cameo and Granny Smith. Already picked...Fuji, Braeburn, and possibly some Pink Lady and Goldens for saucing.
Make your own cider! Cider boxes are for sale for $12 and you can press on their presses (for free) and make into 3 gallons of cider.
See you Thursday the 22nd!
Prices are as follows:
Kids 2 and over: $5
Kids under 2 (who want goodies): $3
Kids under 2 (skip the pumpkin and juice): Free
Moms are Free!
For Moms, the Farm with have the retail area set with lots of pumpkins and fall decor items available for sale. As for u-picking, they will have Cameo and Granny Smith. Already picked...Fuji, Braeburn, and possibly some Pink Lady and Goldens for saucing.
Make your own cider! Cider boxes are for sale for $12 and you can press on their presses (for free) and make into 3 gallons of cider.
See you Thursday the 22nd!
Monday, October 12, 2009
10.08.09 Meeting
This week we had a speaker from Consumer Credit Counseling come and speak to us about budgeting and treating our family finances like a business...to keep them on track! She shared some wonderful tips on budgeting, saving, paying off dept, improving your credit score, and setting good examples for our children.
Thank you Table 1 for the delicious brunch!
Thank you Table 1 for the delicious brunch!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
MOTS featured in the Daily Sun News
Check out the article featuring MOTS in The Daily Sun News!
Daily Sun Times Article
Moms of Tots members Alesha Russell and Kristen Waller make crafts during a meeting last spring. The Mothers of Tots group meets the second and fourth Thursday each month at the Grandview Church of Nazarene.
Daily Sun Times Article
Moms of Tots members Alesha Russell and Kristen Waller make crafts during a meeting last spring. The Mothers of Tots group meets the second and fourth Thursday each month at the Grandview Church of Nazarene.
Come Join Us!
Moms of Tots (formerly MOPS) is off to a great start, and we would love for you to join us!
Please mark your calendar for our next meeting on Thursday, October 8th at 9:30 am in the Taste of Grace Café at Grandview Nazarene.
We will have a guest speaker sharing some ways to give your family budget a make-over in these difficult economic times. You won’t want to miss out on this or any of the other exciting topics planned during the year. With lattes, brunch, crafts, and friends, be sure you join in on the fun! For more information visit our blog at
Invite another mom to join you . . . and we’ll see you soon!
Please mark your calendar for our next meeting on Thursday, October 8th at 9:30 am in the Taste of Grace Café at Grandview Nazarene.
We will have a guest speaker sharing some ways to give your family budget a make-over in these difficult economic times. You won’t want to miss out on this or any of the other exciting topics planned during the year. With lattes, brunch, crafts, and friends, be sure you join in on the fun! For more information visit our blog at
Invite another mom to join you . . . and we’ll see you soon!
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